Spring is here: Get your house ready to sell.

Yes, we’re *all* tired of the snow and the cold temperatures, but luckily the end is in sight.

And if you’re getting ready to put your home up for sale in this continuing hot market, there are some important things to remember about your house, and your potential buyer.

The busiest selling season in Wisconsin is Spring. That we all probably know. But the home sellers who start the process now, while we’re still salting our sidewalks and porches are the ones who will stress a little less when it comes time to plant that sign in the yard. So here are some tips from your real estate experts at Sunset Realty.

To Do Lists - First, make a list of everything you need to do, and put it up where everyone in the family can see it. That way, when you start adding chores and people’s names next to them, we can start a friendly competition to see who’s on their game, and who might need a little help getting motivated to do their jobs. And remember, kids love helping out. Until they’re about 11, and then all bets are off.  Sorry Kanyon.

Tree Care - Next, this is the time to take care of the trees in your yard, especially the ones with dead branches. Prune branches for the tree’s health and to stimulate new growth this spring and summer. If you’re unsure about the best way to prune and trim, talk to your local tree care expert. Or you can always shoot off a quick email to your favorite Wisconsin Extension agent (Jerry Clark in Chippewa County is my personal fave.) They can help you get started on the right path before you “branch” out to bigger projects.

Curb Appeal - In the same vein, once it really warms up, it’s time to get your curb appeal on. Trim the shrubs, plant some flowers and get your house looking spiffy from the outside. When my wife and I sold our house in Eau Claire, we waited until the yard looked great then staged a backyard living space complete with watermelon, fun drinks and a smoking grill complete with steaks. I still have the pictures, and those steaks still make my mouth water. The idea is to create a perfect outdoor oasis for the next family.

Declutter - Most important on your to-do list, and my wife’s favorite, Declutter. Get rid of personal family pictures, mementos, and other stuff that takes up space. You want your buyer to envision your home as their home. And that’s easier to do when “you” aren’t in it. We keep a lot of stuff in our lives and in our homes. Now is a great time to lighten the load and figure out what you really need or can send down the road to a new family.

Home Improvement Projects - Before you list your home, now is a great time to get all those annoying little projects done that you’ve been meaning to get too. You know, those loose handrails, leaking bathroom sinks, drains that are a little slow; whatever someone might notice during a tour is what you’re trying to take care of. Do the walls need a fresh coat of paint? How about the exterior of your house? Remember, peeling paint can be an issue when it comes to FHA and other government program loans. Maybe you want to put some new carpet in the living room. Just be sure you’re going to get your money back. If it’s just a little worn, you might be farther ahead giving the new buyer a credit instead of replacing it.

Get Ready – One thing I always tell my sellers is to get ready for the hoopla. That means keeping the house clean the best you can, perhaps for several days or weeks on end. In this real estate market, correctly priced homes are selling very quickly. But there will still be moments of stress. When an offer comes in, it may contain some contingencies. Or the home inspection may reveal an issue or two that needs to be sorted out with the buyers. This is all normal. But that doesn’t mean it’s not aggravating or annoying. Try this: when you’re feeling stressed about the sale, take three deep breaths and remind yourself that this is a means to an end. And we’re here for you.

 Spring is the season of rebirth and in the northern climates, it’s almost treated as a holiday itself. We’ll soon be back to boats and campfires, as soon as we get this house sold! If you need help selling your home, Sunset Realty is here for you. Contact us today and let’s get the process started!

chris herzog